Kjells creative playground
Kjell is an author, musician, guitar-player, singer-songwriter, mixer and producer. This in combination with being a creative director/art director and family father. Music Is Everywhere is Kjells creative playgroundCreativity is everywhere
His father gave him music. Not that the ol´man could play anything but schratchy LPs, cassettes and VHS tapes, but that was enough. Kjell (Kjell-Vidar Åhman Teig) is still carrying the scars. Cool scars. Caused by Keiths shaky riffs, Neils thunderous ol´black, Ray Davies mellow and weary tunes and more.
He picked up his first guitar at 15. Mostly to impress his father, to show him that he could actually do what the guys on the records did. The first guitar was a Fender Squire. A white one with a missing E-string.
From there on Kjell is self taught by books, papers, and later the internet in all its glory
In the early 2000s Kjell started to study marketing, design and creative techniques.
Shortly there after he started his first advertising agency. As we close in on 15 years later Kjells is still working as a Creative Director, Art Director and also teaching digital marketing to high school students.
By the time midlife crisis came knocking, he had long since discovered that music is actually everywhere in life – in sad and happy times. In glory and defeat. In light and dark. You just had to let it in and embrace it.
It was time to finally fulfill some of the dreams he once had, e.g to release and album. Combined with being a family father and full-time worker, this was a difficult task. And the solution was again, to do it all by himself. It was probably not the right way to go, but the only. This resulted in the Norwegian Album Bare Noen Minner.
And finally Bag of Bones, which also features Heinz Karnitschar in several different roles.
As Bag of Bones is released, Kjell is still out on a crusade and the plans for the next midlife crisis project are already happening. Very much different, but a bit the same. The book “3 steiner til Nøkken” is a partly biographical and partly fictional collection of stories from his hometown and was released Halloween 2020.
In 2023 Kjell released a follow up novella En kamp mot demoner.
Kjell-Vidar Åhman Teig is also founder and active member of the charitbale organization “Fra Båstad til Radiumen“, which is a yearly festival where all profits goes to helpings kids in cancer treatment.
Welcome to Kjells creative playground: Music is everywhere.
3 steiner til Nøkken
En kamp mot demoner
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